Boston gay bars 1970s

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Esme – (Boston – Currently Whiskey Saigon).Dominic’s (Cambridge w/DJ Tony Ministeri).Dick Doherty’s Crystal Palace (Hyannis, Cape Cod).Club Vogue (Nantasket Beach, Hull 1987).City Club (Formerly Metro then became Axis).Chatham’s Upstairs (Faneuil Hall Boston).Cask & Flagon (Lansdowne Street, Boston, MA).Cabaret after Dark (Predecessor to “15 Landsdowne Street”, Boston).Bridgeside Restaurant & Nightclub (Salem, MA).Bellbottoms (Was there more than one location?).Beachcomber (Quincy Shore Drive, Quincy, MA).

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Avalon (Part of a string of clubs dating back to the 70’s).Please send photos or links to cover band & show band photos, old club photos, memorabilia, descriptions, club corrections and answers. Thanks!ħ0s Discos / 70s Nightclubs / 80s Discos, Greater Boston, New Hampshire, Worcester and Cape Cod Nightclubs. Do You Remember These 70s 80s Discos, Boston NightClubs & Bars?ĭid I Miss Any? Email – joeynightlife  … Please Help with locations, photos and details too.

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